Thursday, August 25, 2016

Nitheen Kumar

HR Interview Tips For Freshers Do's and Dont's

Do's - Human Resource Interview Tips For Freshers
  • Give a firm handshake with interviewer.
  • Introduce yourself.
  • Listen carefully to the interviewer.
  • Be Polite, Professional and Positive during the interview.
  • Always be prepared to talk about anything you have included on your resume.
  • Always be truthful about your experiences and skills. Don't lie.
  • Show interest and enthusiasm towards the job and company while talking with the HR.
  • Thank the interviewer at the end of interview. If more than one interviewers are there then Thank each and everyone.
  • Ask interviewer about the next step in the interview process.
Dont's - HR Interview Tips For Freshers:
  • Don't be late to interview. Be on time or a little early is recommended.
  • Don't be panic or nervous during interview. It shows that you are not confident on you.
  • Don't ask working hours of the company or Job.
  • Don't look at your watch during interview. If you do, it gives the feeling that you are not interested in interview or the job anymore.
  • Don't start the topics like salary.
  • Don't be too serious during interview. Interviewers like happy and smiling people.
  • Don't interrupt to the interviewer while he / she is talking on something. Just listen carefully.
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