Friday, October 11, 2024

Nitheen Kumar

Submitted sitemaps not updating auotmatically in Blogger

If you're using Blogger, here are specific steps to help ensure your sitemap updates effectively and encourage more frequent crawling:

  1. Automatic Sitemap: Blogger automatically generates a sitemap for your blog. Make sure it's enabled. You can usually access it at

  2. Resubmit Sitemap: If you make significant changes or add a lot of new posts, resubmit your sitemap in Google Search Console. This can prompt Google to re-crawl your site.

  3. Update Posts Regularly: Keep your content fresh by regularly updating posts or adding new ones. This signals to Google that your site is active.

  4. Use Labels: Organize your posts with labels. This can help Google understand your content structure and improve indexing.

  5. Promote Content: Share your new posts on social media or other platforms. Increased traffic can encourage Google to crawl your site more frequently.

  6. Check for Errors: Regularly monitor Google Search Console for any crawl errors or issues that could affect indexing.

  7. Optimize Page Speed: While Blogger is generally optimized, ensure you're using lightweight themes and minimizing any large images or elements that could slow down loading times.

  8. Link to New Posts: Whenever you publish a new post, consider linking to it from older posts. This internal linking can help Google discover the new content more quickly.

By following these steps, you can help ensure your Blogger site is indexed properly and encourage more frequent crawls from Google.

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