Thursday, October 30, 2014

Nitheen Kumar

How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

Are you looking to increase traffic to your website? There are many ways to increase traffic to your website. Majority of people believe the only way to driving traffic will cost them money. There are different methods of driving traffic that you pay for, and the majority of them are free. Increasing traffic to your business, website, or blog is the key to building a larger audience. I have enlisted in this post the top ways to increase traffic your website. The benefit of increasing your traffic is to improve visibility, ranking, and increase revenue.

1. Offer Free Product Samples
If your blog is related to your business and you sell products through that business, then offering free products is a perfect way to increase traffic to your blog and promote your business!

2. Offer Free Services
Maybe you don't have any free products to offer as an incentive to encourage people to visit your blog, but what about free services? Whether you offer services as part of a business or you simply have experience in a type of service, you can offer those services to boost blog traffic. Imagine you write a blog about parenting but also do scrap booking as a hobby. That's a great service that might drive some relevant traffic to your blog if you offer it for free!

3. Offer Free Consulting
What is your area of expertise? Again, whether or not your blog is related to your business, you can offer free consulting services to drive traffic to your blog. For example, a lawyer who writes a blog about local politics could offer free legal consulting to drive traffic.

4. Offer Contest Prizes
Blog contests are one of the best ways to increase traffic simply because everyone loves to win prizes! If your contest prizes are related to your blog topic, some of the traffic that finds your blog for the contest just might come back to read more in the future!

5. Offer a Free E book
An eBook is an excellent tool to re purpose blog content or create completely new content that goes into more detail than blog posts can. It doesn't matter what topic your blog is about, you can write a relevant eBook, offer it for free, and increase traffic to your blog.

6. Offer a Free White Paper
While eBooks are typically short and personable, white papers read more like research reports. Depending on your blog topic, a free white paper might be more effective to lure people to your blog than an eBook.

7. Offer a Free In-Person Speech or Presentation
Many bloggers really hit their strides in terms of traffic growth when they start speaking at events. The event attendees learn valuable information related to the blogger's topic, and the blogger usually ends up with new readers after the event. Those new readers are likely to not just visit the blog but also share posts with their own audiences.

8. Offer Free Webinar or Online Training
Speaking at events in-person isn't the only way you can get in front of a large group of people that you can turn into blog visitors. Free online webinars and training programs are another fantastic way of promoting your blog, attracting new readers, and getting wider exposure for your blog that can turn into a lot of new traffic.

9. Offer Free Advertising Space
Offering free advertising space can generate a small amount of traffic to your blog, but more importantly, it can help you make money and demonstrate your blog's authority. In other words, visitors are likely to think that a blog that can get credible advertisers must be worth reading. Everything you can do to increase your blog's credibility in people's minds helps to ultimately increase traffic and loyal readers. Furthermore, offering free advertising is a great message to hype across the social web, which is yet another way to drive traffic to your blog. There are many people who will visit your blog to check it out.

10. Offer Free Publicity
Offer to interview authors, public speakers, other bloggers, and experts who are related to your blog topic. They'll love to get the free publicity, you'll get great content for your blog, and that person will want to hype the interview to spread the word about it. That means more traffic for your blog!

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